
BPFI Launches Updated Guide on Banking Supports for SMEs

Wednesday 17th November 2021 – Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) has today launched their updated guide for SMEs, focusing on banking supports and advice for businesses through the recovery in a post-COVID environment and beyond into the future.

Speaking about the supports and the journey ahead for SMEs, Marian McCarville, Head of Business Banking & Taxation, BPFI said: “SMEs have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and their survival and recovery is critical to the economy. Since March 2020, SMEs have had to cope with partial or complete lockdowns of their business over three prolonged periods of Government COVID-19 restrictions. The Government has played a critical role in providing much needed COVID-19 supports, all of which have been instrumental in supporting SMEs through the pandemic.”

“These supports, combined with the most extensive vaccine programme the State has ever implemented, has enabled a rapid economic recovery. SMEs are fundamental to this recovery and now need to be planning, not just for a post pandemic environment, but crucially, they need to be planning for the long- term competitiveness and growth of their business.”

The updated guide SME Banking Supports – through COVID Recovery and Beyond provides useful information and support for dealing with existing credit facilities, applying for new or additional credit facilities, the credit application process and the range of other non-bank financial supports available.

The SME Banking Supports - Through Covid Recovery and Beyond is available for download below in PDF format.

