
European Money Quiz 2025

The Irish final of The European Money Quiz 2025 will take place at 12 noon on Tuesday 25th March 2025.

Click here to register! 

What is the European Money Quiz?

The European Money quiz is Europe’s biggest financial literacy competition to improve the financial literacy of 13–15-year-olds. The live online Irish final sees students across Ireland play directly against each other in real time with Kahoot!

The quiz is open to students aged 13-15 years who are looking to test their knowledge of finance and monetary issues. Students play in teams of two and all students are entitled to take part, irrespective of the subjects they are studying.

Prize: The winning team will travel to Brussels to represent Ireland in the European Finals in May.

The travel expenses of this trip are part of the prize package and are sponsored by Banking & Payments Federation of Ireland. The team also received a trophy for their school and a prize giving ceremony took place at the offices of BPFI.

European Finals

National Winners compete for the European championship in a final competition between all participating countries on in Brussels, organised by the European Banking Federation (EBF).

Similar to the national finals the team who answered the most correct questions in the fastest time win.


The Irish final of the European Money Quiz 2024 saw Maria Miller & Lily O’Connor from Presentation College Carlow beat competition from over 2,000 students to represent Ireland in the European finals, which took place in Brussels on the 19th of April. 

How can I enter?

European Money Week 2025

The quiz takes place as part of European Money Weekan annual initiative organised by the European Banking Federation, of which BPFI is a member, to promote financial education across Europe. Throughout one week in March each year, hundreds of activities are held in 30+ countries to promote financial literacy in Europe. This year the European Finals will take place on May 22nd and 23rd. 

Our Associations

BPFI's associate network extends many of the benefits of membership to leading professional service firms that provide related advisory and consultancy services.

Our Presidents

Cathy Bryce has been appointed President of Banking & Payments Federation Ireland and Fernando Vicario has been appointed the Chair of the Federation of International Banks in Ireland.

Interested in joining us?

Let’s talk. For more information about BPFI membership please contact Ann Smith, Director, Corporate Services via the button below.