
Bank Accounts for Returning Emigrants

With the increasing numbers of returning Irish emigrants, BPFI and our members appreciate the important role that banks and financial institutions have to play in helping people settle back into communities as easily and quickly as possible. One of the first priorities for a returning emigrant is the setting up of an Irish bank account. This allows for convenient paying of bills or rent, salary payments, the transfer of savings from abroad and credit applications or mortgages. As financial institutions must establish your identity and verify your address before you can open an account, this process can sometimes be difficult, particularly where the applicant does not have an existing relationship with the bank or does not yet have appropriate documentation to confirm ID. BPFI member banks therefore encourage anybody looking to open a new account, either from abroad or upon their return, to make early contact with a BPFI member bank or financial institution. On contacting any of the below, member banks will do their utmost to assist in the opening of new accounts or the processing of credit applications, where normal credit lending policy and criteria will apply in the same way as they do to other applicants.

Online Resources for Returning Emigrants Seeking to Open a Current Account

